text: Carsten Theumer

Castings – enamels – driving forces

The Fandango: a Spanish-South American dance, sometimes subdued, sometimes turbulent, that never follows a determined set of steps or figures.
Guided by the music of the orchestra, the couples constantly improvise their dance, creating individual tempi and new variations, which are often quite contrary. The result is an image of the utmost variety contained within a limited frame.
A fitting synonym, in my opinion, for the many facets of my themes as well as the materials and techniques I use, combining them afresh each time.
To me, the title conjures movement, an oscillation between the limits of the genre of my more traditional sculptural designs. 
In addition, I find that the word “Fandango” has a beautiful ring to it, evoking associations of the new and the unknown, fuelling my desire to explore the dance, to discover it for my art.